Member-only story

Kick Me!

Hello World! with Flair

And now I’m a Medium Guru. What did I learn from the hours I spent going through the Medium Blogging guide? Let’s have a look..



So maybe guru or expert is too strong a term? I’ve only written two articles so far before this, Hello World! and Hello World! from laptop. But I have learnt that

Look Ma! No Hands!
Shift enter to add a second line.

is what you should use for longer quotes, and the second toggle of the quote button is what you should use for

“Shorter Quotes”

“Surely you learnt more than that,” she asks.

Well you could go and read the full Medium Blogging guide yourself or even Medium’s Tips and Tricks. Those guides will tell you how to do the stuff below in greater detail if you need it. But here’s what else I’ve learnt in short:

  • Kickers. Still not sure why I’d bother. You add a line above the Title at the top of the page and then select the text and click the little T icon. I made mine Kick Me! for this article.
  • Drop Caps. You can format the first letter of your paragraph to make it big. Like I do below. You can’t do it on a bullet list. A great way to waste time avoiding writing in my books.
  • Private Notes. It’s for writing notes to my team. Here’s me writing a note. You can’t see it can you? But my wife knows just how much…




Written by Amhazing

Be Amhazing! Oppose oppression. Anable: enable with ability, opportunity and the liberty to benefit.

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