Member-only story
So my claps are worthless?
Respond instead? Talking about how the Medium “clap” system works to reward writers.
Did you know you can clap on Medium more than once for an article you like? Huh. Actually you can clap up to 50 times. It’s not like a thumbs up, or a star system — it’s something different.
And what’s more you can clap for as many things as you like. There’s no limit.
At least that’s what I’ve learnt from Casey Botticello and his article on how claps work — this is the second time I’ve quoted Casey. And that’s kinda how things work in Medium. Once you follow someone they’re the first point of call when you go looking for an answer to a question.
Either that or his content is just plain useful?
So my claps are worthless. What I mean by that is that as someone who reads quite a bit of content and likes to clap on things they find useful, it turns out that I’ve basically devalued my personal clap value.
Because claps are a proxy for how your personal $5 / month gets allocated to authors.
Claps are like Crypto
says Harry
I’ve started thinking of claps as a type of crypto currency. But without the crypt. Every time I clap I’m “paying” an author…